Your guide to a balanced vaginal microbiome with Clairvee*

How to get results, and a lifetime of comfort and confidence.

“Potential disruptors to your vaginal microbiome (like sex, hormonal changes, diet, antibiotic use and other common external irritants) make it more important than ever to maintain your vaginal health.”

Dr. Alyssa Dweck

Bonafide Chief Medical Advisor

How to use Clairvee™

  • Take one oral capsule per day for 15 consecutive days each month.

    Clairvee™ need to be taken consistently to effectively balance your vaginal microbiome.

  • Take monthly for optimal balance.

    Clinical studies show that 15 days of Clairvee can maintain balance and provide you with month-long protection. Keep taking for at least 6 months for best result.

  • Give your vaginal microbiome a chance to balance.

    Avoid products that can throw off your microbiome, like vaginal washes, douches, and other common disruptors.

What to expect

  1. 1/2
    Day 15

    Clairvee probiotic blend begins to colonize in the vagina, balancing its microbiome and returning vaginal pH to a healthy level. * 1

  2. 1
    Month 1

    By now, Clairvee has restored and balanced the vaginal microbiome, as shown in clinical studies.* A balanced vaginal microbiome can help alleviate issues like odor, itch and discharge. 1 2 3

  3. 3
    Month 3 & 4

    Clairvee continues to maintain a balanced vaginal microbiome month after month. Maintaining a healthy microbiome supports the vagina’s natural defense system and prevents issues like odor, itch and discharge from occurring.* 2 3

  4. 6
    Month 6

    Everyday factors like sex, periods, diet, stress, underwear fabrics and hot weather can disrupt the vaginal microbiome. Unlike douches and washes, which can worsen symptoms over time, Clairvee maintains long-term balance when used monthly.* 2 3

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Clairvee?

Clairvee is a once daily oral probiotic formulation that has been clinically shown to balance the vaginal microbiome and restore vaginal pH to a healthy level. Balancing the vaginal microbiome can help resolve issues like odor, itching and discharge.

Clairvee is uniquely formulated with Clairvee Vaginal Blend™ (4B CFU L. acidophilus BLA-14, 1B CFU L. rhamnosus BHN001), lactoferrin, and folate, ingredients that have been shown to balance the vaginal microbiome, inhibit the growth and adherence of vaginal pathogens (infections), and support the vagina’s defense system.

Who can or should use Clairvee?

Clairvee can be used by any woman looking to sustain the good bacteria and yeast that balance their vaginal microbiome and maintain good vaginal health. Everyday factors can disrupt the vaginal microbiome in adult women at any age, such as sex, periods, menopause, diet, antibiotic use and many other external irritants.

What are the ingredients in Clairvee and how do they work?

Each Clairvee capsule contains:

Clairvee Vaginal Blend™: Live, active probiotic strains, specific to the vaginal flora, shown to help balance and maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome.
- 4 billion CFU lactobacilli acidophilus
- 1 billion CFU lactobacilli rhamnosus

Lactoferrin, 50mg: Key component of the natural vaginal defense system that works together with the Clairvee Vaginal Blend™ to help create a protective biofilm.

Folate (Folic Acid), 400mcg: Provides micronutrient support, folate may play a role in maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome.

Clairvee Capsule™ Technology: Clairvee’s probiotic formulation is suspended in liquid folic acid and sealed in a second, outer capsule. This patented technology helps to protect the live probiotics and allows for a delayed release of the probiotics when ingested, thereby supporting optimal colonization and a reliable, high quality formulation that does not require refrigeration.

How long does Clairvee take to work?

Clairvee has been clinically shown to restore and maintain balance of the vaginal microbiome in as early as 15 days. However, everyday factors like sex, menstruation, underwear fabrics, stress, hot weather, and diet can disrupt the vaginal microbiome. Multiple clinical trials show that regular use of Clairvee maintains a healthy, balanced vaginal microbiome month after month, and we recommend making Clairvee part of your monthly routine to maintain a healthy microbiome and prevent symptoms of imbalance over the long term.

Why do I only need to take Clairvee for 15 days each month?

Clairvee’s uniquely powerful formulation is optimized for colonization, and data shows that probiotic protection continues to increase even on the days you’re not taking Clairvee. Multiple clinical trials demonstrate that just one oral capsule of Clairvee per day for 15 days maintains a balanced vaginal microbiome and provides month-long protection. To experience best results over the long-term and maintain a balanced, healthy vaginal microbiome, Clairvee should be taken consistently each month.

Does Clairvee have any side effects?

Across four randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical studies, women on Clairvee reported no side effects or adverse events.

The probiotic strains in Clairvee have been designated GRAS, or Generally Recognized As Safe, by the FDA, meaning that there is a consensus of expert opinion that the strains are safe for their intended use

How do I take Clairvee?

Clairvee is a once daily oral capsule that only needs to be taken for 15 consecutive days each month, given its uniquely powerful formulation. The remaining days are ‘off’ until next month. Probiotic protection continues to increase even on the days you’re not taking Clairvee. Just one oral capsule of Clairvee per day for 15 days maintains a balanced vaginal microbiome and provides month-long protection.

A 15-day supply of Clairvee is shipped at the same time every month to make it easy for you to incorporate Clairvee into your routine. Women should continue using Clairvee each month for as long as they want to maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome and prevent symptoms of vaginal imbalance. Please note that Clairvee should be taken orally and not inserted into the vagina.

Can I take this with other supplements?

Yes, Clairvee is not known to negatively interact with other supplements. Consumers however should be mindful of their folic acid intake as Clairvee contains folic acid at the recommended daily value (DV) of 400 mcg. It is recommended that women consume folic acid within the range of 400 mcg to 1mg.

Can I take this with other supplements?

Yes, Clairvee is not known to negatively interact with other supplements. Consumers however should be mindful of their folic acid intake as Clairvee contains folic acid at the recommended daily value (DV) of 400 mcg. It is recommended that women consume folic acid within the range of 400 mcg to 1mg.

Can I take Clairvee with other Bonafide products?

Yes, Clairvee is not known to negatively interact with other Bonafide products. Consumers however should be mindful of their folic acid intake as Clairvee contains folic acid at the recommended daily value (DV) of 400 mcg. It is recommended that women consume folic acid within the range of 400 mcg to 1mg.

Can I use Clairvee if I’m lactose intolerant?

One ingredient in Clairvee, Lactoferrin, is derived from milk. Individuals with lactose intolerance concerns and severe milk allergies should speak to their healthcare practitioner before taking Clairvee.

Does Clairvee need to be refrigerated?

No, Clairvee does not need to be refrigerated. Probiotics are normally suggested to be refrigerated because in higher temperature conditions, probiotics can become hydrated. Once hydrated, probiotics become active and start working inside the capsule, and not in your body where they were designed to work. However, Clairvee was specifically formulated with probiotic strains that have been scientifically shown to be stable at room temperature for long periods of time. These shelf-stable probiotics do not require refrigeration because they are created in a way that protects them from becoming activated until they are in the body. Moreover, the Clairvee Capsule™ Technology further protects the probiotics from moisture, allowing for targeted delivery of the living probiotic strains to the body.

For added protection, Clairvee is also bottled in double-walled, moisture-tight containers designed specifically for probiotics that provide unparalleled protection and ensure stability and reliability.

Can I use Clairvee while menstruating?

Yes, Clairvee can be used while menstruating. While the 15-day supplementation cycle can begin anytime during the month, it is recommended to begin taking Clairvee the same time each month. For best results, start your Clairvee 15-day supply on the first day of menses.

What can I do if I am also experiencing vaginal discomfort, itching, and painful sex?

Vaginal itching and discomfort can stem from multiple aspects of a woman's health, one cause can be an imbalanced vaginal microbiome, which Clairvee can help relieve; another cause is vaginal atrophy brought on by perimenopause and menopause. If you suffer from both symptoms of an imbalanced vaginal microbiome and vaginal atrophy, then we recommend using Clairvee and Revaree together. Learn more here.

Is Clairvee approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)?

Clairvee is a dietary supplement, and the FDA does not approve dietary supplements. However, under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DHSEA), the FDA regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” foods and drug products.

At Bonafide, we are committed to ensuring our products are both safe and effective. All Bonafide products are scientifically validated and have been thoroughly tested for safety, efficacy, and potency. Together with our FDA-registered, NSF certified GMP† manufacturing facility, we rigorously test our products for contaminants such as microorganisms and heavy metals, like lead, to ensure that our products are safe and of the highest quality, because you deserve relief without compromise.

What does my subscription to Clairvee include?

Your monthly subscription includes a 15-day supply of Clairvee. You receive free shipping on every order. Your first month’s shipment is your Welcome Kit with helpful information about how to get the best results with Clairvee. You are also eligible for our Bonafide Rewards, where you get access to valuable points every time you shop.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Before you cancel, did you know you have the option to skip orders in advance? Read our FAQ, “How do I skip or edit an upcoming subscription order?”

To cancel any of your Bonafide subscriptions, ensure you do so at least 5 days before your next processing date:

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Please note, you may cancel your bundle subscription, but doing so will cancel both/all of the 2+ products in your subscription. If you would like to cancel 1 product in your subscription, but not the other, please see “I have a bundle subscription. How can I cancel one product, but not both?”

To re-activate a subscription you’ve previously canceled, log in to your Bonafide account. Under Your Subscriptions, scroll down to Inactive Subscriptions. Select the subscription you would like to re-activate and select re-activate on the right-hand side.

How do I skip or edit an upcoming subscription order?

To skip or edit an upcoming order, log in to your Bonafide account at If you can’t log in, please see our FAQ “How do I set up a Bonafide account?

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I have a Bonafide subscription. How can I add an additional Bonafide product to my existing subscription?

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Review the first drop-down menu item, “Ships with Active Subscription” to select the existing subscription you would like your new subscription to ship with (note, if you select “Custom Date” when setting your order date, the new subscription will NOT ship in the same box as your existing subscription unless you also change the ship date for your existing subscription. A shipping fee may apply to each shipment for products valued at $20 or less which ship by themselves).

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How do I set up a Bonafide account?

If you don’t have a Bonafide account, simply register for one using the same email address you used to place your Bonafide purchases. Once you set up your account, you can begin to earn points toward rewards. For more information on setting up your Bonafide account, please see our FAQ “How do I set up a Bonafide account?” or watch below video.

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You’re not alone.

We’ve been there—really! Many of our support team members take our products, and all of us want to help you succeed. How can we help?

Dealing with painful sex too?

Clairvee + Revaree®

Along with an unbalanced vaginal microbiome, many women also experience vaginal dryness that can make sex painful or uncomfortable.

That's why Bonafide women love power couple Clairvee and Revaree. Revaree is a vaginal insert made of hyaluronic acid – the molecule naturally produced throughout the body that retains up to 1,000 times its weight in moisture and restores thinning tissue for good, so you can enjoy sex even more and stop constantly reapplying lubricant.

Ask Our Expert

Dr. Dweck explains the benefits of Clairvee

Other Resources

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