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Millennial Women Are Going Through Menopause

Millennial Women Are Going Through Menopause

Women between their late 20s and early 40s may recall memories of sitcoms, scrunchies, and life as a “digital native.”  But millennial women today share yet another life event in common— the inevitability of transitioning through perimenopause into menopause.

Millennials and Menopause

Experts say this universal millennial awareness is what led to the term “millenopause,” — a coined phrase that refers to the generational shift in understanding of menopause and how it impacts life, work, and everything in between.1

Women in this age group are most likely beginning to experience the hormonal shifts associated with perimenopause or will certainly face them over the next few years – at least in some degree.

When Were Millennials Born?

According to Pew Research Center, those individuals born during the years 1981 and 1996 are considered to be millennials.2 This means the millennial age group ranges from 28-43 — just on the cusp of what experts’ claim is the average age that the transition into perimenopause begins.3

The good news? While previous generations lacked the support, education, and openness necessary to face menopause head on, millennial women are more likely to be well-versed on menopause, its symptoms and its implications on all facets of their lives.

According to research published by a global healthcare company, more than 50 percent of millennial respondents stated they think about menopause monthly or even more often.4 The report found that, in comparison, only a third of Gen X (ages 44-59) understood what menopause was and available treatment options at the onset of menopause.5

While the majority of the respondents of this survey reported having frequent discussions about menopause with close friends and family, they’re also taking advancements in women’s health a step further— with 70 percent considering making an adjustment to their work situations and environments in at least one way to help ease the impact of menopause and its symptoms on their professional lives.6

Bonafide also conducted our own research regarding the general understanding of perimenopause and menopause with women 40+ - read more about our State of Menopause findings, here.

What Age Does Menopause Start?

Menopause has officially occurred once a women has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.7 On average, women reach menopause by age 51 in the U.S.8, with perimenopause beginning eight to 10 years prior to menopause.9  During this time, the ovaries gradually stop their key functions and hormones, such as estrogen, testosterone and progesterone, shift and decline as a result, causing women to experience both physical and emotional changes.10

Signs of Menopause at 40

Ever wondered if you’re experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms? These signs aren’t an exhaustive list, but many women entering this life transition report the following symptoms:11

You Don’t Have to Go Through Menopause Alone

As society shifts its perspective and continues to open up the dialogue on women’s health, finding the right support is crucial to navigating any major life transition, including menopause.

If you’re experiencing physical or emotional symptoms associated with menopause, it’s a great idea to reach out to friends and loved ones as well as your healthcare provider who can help narrow down treatment options to help manage your symptoms.



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