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Menopause Vaginal Odor

Dr. Alyssa Dweck

Written by Dr. Alyssa Dweck, MS, MD, FACOG, Bonafide Chief Medical Officer

Medically reviewed by Alyssa Dweck MS, MD, FACOG, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Alyssa Dweck

Written by Dr. Alyssa Dweck, MS, MD, FACOG, Bonafide Chief Medical Officer

Medically reviewed by Alyssa Dweck MS, MD, FACOG, Chief Medical Officer

Fluctuating hormones experienced during menopause can cause many symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, but another common symptom that can occur, is a change in, or the development of, vaginal odor. It’s important to note that while vaginal odor after menopause isn’t necessarily uncommon, it is something you should keep tabs on.

Check out this quick video from Bonafide Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Alyssa Dweck, to better understand what could be causing this symptom during menopause and learn some suggestions for managing vaginal odor during menopause.


Hi, I'm Dr. Alyssa Dweck a gynecologist in New York. I'm also the Chief Medical Officer at Bonafide®.

Many women are surprised to find that all vaginas actually have a natural scent. This scent may change , causing different types of vaginal odor due to things like, the menstrual cycle, changes in lifestyle and personal hygiene regimens, with sex and definitely with hormone changes.

Vaginal odor, on the other hand, might suggest another issue that warrants evaluation and management.

What Causes Vaginal Odor After Menopause?

Common causes of vaginal odor, along with different types of vaginal odors during menopause and after include; infection with BV or bacterial vaginosis and STIs, along with poor hygiene and excessive perspiration. Did you know that low estrogen levels during menopause can also result in a vaginal odor?

It seems that the vaginal microbiome during menopause is prone to imbalance. Diminished lactobacillus, or good bacteria in the vagina, can lead to this imbalance and cause vaginal pH changes. So, even though there’s no infection, an elevated vaginal pH, above the normal 4.5 acidic range, can result in vaginal odor, along with other really pesky symptoms like vaginal dischargeitching, irritation and painful sex.

How to Get Rid of Feminine Odor During Menopause

Persistent vaginal odor after menopause can impair one's quality of life. Day-to-day activity and self-esteem can be negatively impacted. Recurrent antibiotic treatment will only further this imbalance and a vicious cycle can ensue. Additionally, douching can surely worsen the issue [as it’s very disruptive to the delicate balance in the vaginal microbiome]. So, you may be wondering, how can you get rid of feminine odor during menopause at home?

Managing Vaginal Odor During Menopause

A few simple steps can be taken to manage vaginal odor during menopause. 

  • Dietary modification and adequate hydration can help 
  • Weight management and mindfulness towards the use of non-fragrant hygiene products might help with vaginal odor during menopause as well
  • Use of a well-studied probiotic geared towards vaginal health, taken as directed, may also help to get rid of vaginal odor and manage symptoms like discharge and itching in those with vaginas but without a known infection

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